
So, I was way off.

The baby is a boy. And aside from a little twinge of disappointment felt at first (which, let's be honest, I would have felt even if it were a girl--always want what I can't have, right?) I am extremely happy about it. I know boy. I have boy stuff. Mason will hopefully enjoy years of pummeling his younger bro.

The baby looks healthy, but a low-lying placenta will require a second ultrasound in a few weeks. I'm not too worried about that, though.

The house is very Christmas-y and I love it. I finally got the Reader's Digest Christmas records that my parent's had from 1979 put on CD. I'm loving it in all its retro glory.

We survived a trip up North to visit the inlaws. Summary: I love them, but honestly, I have had enough drama in my life from my own family to be very, very glad that we don't live up there permanently. I don't mind that it's your choice to stay in a miserable marriage, but once you have made that choice, I think you forfeit all rights to complain about it nonstop. He cheated on you four times--chances are that he might just do it again. But I don't say a word...

What else? I'm obsessed with the TV show Heroes; I'm finally getting around to doing things I've been putting off for months; the story about the family stranded in Oregon (and now the missing dad) is breaking my heart; my kid is reaching the stage where I actually have to watch Supernanny for tips.

But it's 68 degrees outside, and overall, life seems pretty good!

before ~ after

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