
I am pretty certain at this point that I am having a girl.

Now I could very well be wrong, and I would be fine if I were, but this pregnancy is pretty much kicking my ass in a way that the first one couldn't even touch. I am constantly miserable and constantly aware of possible vomit receptacles at all times. I pray, PRAY, that this will all be better in a few weeks when I am firmly into my second trimester.

And so is everyone else around me.

I've been so miserable that, unlike the first time, the miracle of creating a child is the last thing on my mind. That kinda sucks, because I'm the type that likes to enjoy and reflect on each stage of the experience, and thats...just not happening.

But every now and then a moment comes along that reminds me that, hey, this is pretty cool.

I heard the baby's heartbeat at the doctor's this week. It was fast (girl) and strong and reminded me that it's a little person in there that's making me feel this way. Having Mason makes it all the more amazing too. It's like every time I look at him I am bowled over by the fact that this extraordinary little boy was once inside me at that stage too. Just a little thump, thump, thump on a machine. Makes me excited to meet this little person I'm growing.

before ~ after

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