
Well, I decided to take a break from my nausea-filled life to write an entry about the anniversary of 9/11.

I�m not going to say something about how I was surprised how emotional I felt about this day, because the truth is, I�m not at all surprised (even in spite of the hormones). I think it�s interesting how just because it�s been a certain number of years (has it really been five years?) there is suddenly more focus on that day than in previous anniversaries; because for me, this day has been and will forever be a day where I feel like I should stay home and be with my family. A day when I should force myself to watch those terrible scenes all over again. A day when I should remind myself of how we all felt and how we all came together right afterwards.

That�s what I remember more than anything else. Because the truth is, even though it was a terrible, horrible day that I pray we never have to live again, the days after it were�beautiful. It�s been a long time since our country was that united; since total strangers felt that much love for each other. The crime rate fell, for pete�s sake. When I think back to that day and the days afterward the awe-inspiring thought that comes to my mind is, �Look what we are capable of.�

Of course, that is the same thought that comes to my mind when I think of the terrorists that did this. Look what they� us �we�are capable of. I will never understand it. Looking at the faces of those men, women, and, yes, children on those planes, seeing the fear and the pleading in their eyes and still having no remorse as they flew those planes into buildings full of innocent people.

I will never understand it.

But I also don�t ever want to forget it.

before ~ after

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