

So, I'm pregnant. And believe it or not, we're happy about it, if not a little mentally unprepared.

...Okay, A LOT mentally unprepared on my part. Not to mention physically unprepared as well. You see, I'm only about 7 weeks along. The first 6 were great. But then this past week the constant nausea hit and unfortunately not wanting to feel like absolute shit all the time was one of the reasons that getting pregnant again wasn't on my immediate "To Do" list.

Don't get me wrong, we were always planning on more kids, but just not at this particular point in time.

And along with the hormones and the sickness and the emotions, I am having a really hard time processing this. I'm terrified, actually. How am I going to handle two kids at the same time? My house is barely clean, I'm barely put together each day. My sole job in life is trying to entertain/stimulate at toddler every second of the day and I am barely able to do that while staying sane. And now you're going to throw a baby in on top of all that? Should I just buy a bunch of sweats and check out now?

Deep breaths.

It's just that there is this tiny voice in the back of my mind that is whispering, "I'm not cut out for this" and I'm afraid it's right.

But what can you do. This is what I signed up for. I love being a mother to my son with my whole soul. Can being a mother to another child possibly be a bad thing?

(Don't answer that...)

before ~ after

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