
Hey. Just wanted to say hi and give a quick update. My life has been in total limbo for the past month or so and I have had neither time nor energy to write. But I'm feeling a bit lonely right now, and sometimes reaching out to cyberspace seems to help with that.

First, we did move in with my dad. It really hasn't been bad at all and Mason has loved the extra love and attention he is getting. He is seriously going to be depressed when we move into our house and he is stuck with only me again. He is honing his ability to take over the world by cuteness daily.

And, yes, we have a house. It's definitely not my dreamhouse, but it's brand new (just built) and it's ours. Someday when I have my own computer back, I'll post pics.

J has been in California these past few weeks working a temp sales job to earn a bit more cash for the downpayment. I miss him. I have a whole new respect for single moms. J starts his optometry job in July and I am so looking forward to some normalcy and routine again. I've visited all the many grandparents this past month and am just about extended familied-out.

I just saw the movie The Lakehouse today and despite the lamest sneeze performance EVER given by Keanu, I will cringingly admit that I liked it. It was sticky sweet cinema fluff and was just what I needed.

This past month I've read The Time Traveler's Wife, The Lovely Bones, Memoir's of a Geisha, The Da Vinci Code, and any other Oprah-ready reads I could find. (The first one was the best, let's hope Brad and Jen can find a way to get the movie made without it becoming a sacrifice to the divorce gods.)

Moving back to the house where I experienced a lot of teenage insecurity and angst the last time I lived there has been tough. I need to get somewhere where the sands aren't constantly shifting beneath my feet. I need to find Home.

Oh yeah, and I'm 30 and surprisingly feeling okay about that.

before ~ after

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