
You Are Dr. Pepper

You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you.

People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.

Your best soda match: Root Beer

Stay away from: 7 Up

What Kind of Soda Are You?

First of all, Happy Late Mother's Day!!

I have to say that I felt much more like a "mother" this Mother's Day than last. I guess a year of constant care and concern does that to you. And here's to all the moms out there: you rock. You sacrifice, you're on duty 24-hours a day, you are truly making a difference.

I'm still losing weight; I've got about 8 pounds to go to my pre-preggy weight and a few more after that to be where I really want to be. It's tough, but I'm really feeling good about myself for sticking with it.

Since this is a fluff entry, I'd like to vent about something for a minute. To the writers of Grey's Anatomy, please don't make me hate your show. Meredith and Addison are beautiful, intelligent women. Please stop making them look like needy, insecure whiners. Can we please have some women on television with a little self-respect?! McDreamy is SO "That Guy." You know, the one who is so wrapped up in himself that he doesn't care how his actions affect other people? The one who loooves the fact that two beautiful women are in love with him and wants to keep it going as long as possible? The one who wants his damn cake and eat it too?

Yeah. We hate that guy.

Please tell me that Meredith and Addison are smart enough to hate him too.

So for the season opener in a few months, it would be really awesome if Meredith ended up walking away from both of those guys.

before ~ after

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