
Okay, I should really be taking a shower right now because I have anywhere from an hour and a half to 50 minutes before Mason wakes up from his nap.

But first, the good news. I am losing weight. Like for reals this time, you guys. I have lost about 3/4 to 1 inch off hips/waist/arms (each!!) and am fitting into long lost clothes that have sat forlornly in the back of my closet. We have had many a tearful reunion this past week. I still have a ways to go, but I am feeling very much in the zone. (<--so 90's)

My secret weapon is this new site I found out about: SparkPeople.com. It is free (for now) and has really easy tools for tracking calories and exercise and all that stuff. I am addicted.

Also, I discovered (after how many months?) that the gym at our apartment is awesome and no one ever uses it. Yay.

The bad news is that we are moving in 2 weeks from said gym and since, yes, I will be staying with my dad and stepmom for a month, I won't have access to one for a while. I could go outside and run or something, but it will be in Arizona where the temperature is 95 degrees by 6 a.m. and I have a feeling that will make me crabby. Maybe I'll become a Mall Walker. Or not. We'll see.

Going back to the moving in with the 'rents thing (<--again, sorry. This entry is an "I love the 90's" tribute). The plan is to move into a house by the end of June. Yes, this June. Yes, I am already feeling nauseous when I think of this.

I'm going to focus on shiny, happy things like summer movies instead. I'm excited about Poseidon if for no other reason than I was strangely obsessed with the original 1972 version growing up. I just thought it was cool how the tables were stuck on the ceiling and all. Plus, for months afterward, when I was sitting in church service, bored out of my mind, I used to imagine that a huge wall of water suddenly flooded the chapel and I was the one that had to help small children and old ladies find safety on the rafters while I swam down and looked for an escape. Yeah, I don't know. I was a really weird kid.

Uh...okay, I have GOT to go take a shower. Really.

before ~ after

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