

There is much in the state of goings on around here.

First, J finally heard back from the Buckets o' Money job and turns out that they are handing their buckets to someone else. But he's second in line. For the buckets of money. Should anything--unfortunate--happen to the current candidate. Mwahahaha. Ahem.

So it looks like we will be taking the slightly less popular Cupfuls o' Money(With the Possibility of Buckets in the Future, I Promise) Job instead. A bit dissapointing, but it's a job and we will be living in the same town as my parents and brother (yay) and more importantly WE WILL BE ABLE TO BUY A HOUSE. (Double yay.)

The thought of buying a house and living in an actual space that does not resemble a shoebox makes me very, very happy. And also, terrifies me in the upmost at the same time.

Because. Buying a house involves crazy large sums of money that you don't have and scary words that sound painful. Like escrow and amortization. See? Scary.

Also? Where the hell are we supposed to live while all this is going on? Do we get an apartment? (As much as I do like throwing money away...) Or do we break down and ask the Stepmother if we can crash at their place for a month or so. Or, we could go the direct route and just bang our heads repeatedly against the wall and get the same results.

Ugh. My ulcer.

So, yes, much anxiety over here. I'm kinda just going to la-la-la my way through it all and try not to end up wimpering in the corner. It IS very relieving to at least know that we will not be living out of our car this summer. Well, at least not while being unemployed at the same time.

And if that doesn't make me feel better, then all I have to do is look at this picture.


before ~ after

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