
Do you ever feel like you were meant to live a life different than the one you have?

I mean, it's not that I don't love my life. I do. I love it. I love my husband and I'm insanely in love with my child. Motherhood is the greatest gift I've ever gotten and I wouldn't change it for all the world.


Have you ever felt a burning connection to a life outside your own? Like you could have been there, could have done that--should have been there, should have done that--but you took a different path one day, or stayed in a place a minute too long and it made all the difference? (Thanks, R. Frost.)

And it's not like regret, but just kind of a sad acceptance that there are parts of you that will lie dormant, perhaps for life, for lack of opportunity.

It just all goes by so fast. And sometimes you never know that you even wanted something until it's too late to have it.

Freaking out about turning 30 this year? Not me.

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