

Things have been good. Great, actually. I have been working out and eating good and resisting all kinds of temptation. And when I weighed myself on Monday for my weekly weigh-in, I had lost 3 pounds! I was re-motivated. I was justified. I was amazed at how this wacky "eat right/exercise/lose weight" theory really does work.

I was keeping the house in a relatively liveable condition and had even started on that baby scrapbook I've been meaning to start for, oh, A YEAR NOW.

But. My knee. That felt better after a day or two. That tricked me into thinking I could go back to my workout routine that includes climbing 6 flights of stairs repeatedly for 45 minutes. Yeah, that one.

It hurts. And it clicks. It hurts and it clicks and I'm going to need a knee replacement by the time I'm 36. I KNOW it.

So I'm resting. And elevating. And applying various frozen vegetable packs.

And I'm not exercising or losing weight.

And I have to admit, that I spent this afternoon feeling very, very sorry for myself. In my pajamas. In my messy house.

I'm keeping my calories down and doing as much on a yoga mat as I can, so we'll see. But I don't know how long a clicking knee takes to get better.

This has got to be punishment for leaving my baby in the tub for 5 seconds while I went to answer the phone. Friggin telemarketers.

before ~ after

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