
June. Usually one of my favorite months.

My birthday is in June. As of June 15th, I am one year closer to the big Three-Oh. How do I feel about that? Well, normally, I would feel the need to "gear up" to a big milestone like that. You know, lose weight, visit Europe, climb a mountain; some big accomplishment that would mark the occasion. But hey, I've given birth. That pretty much sets me up until forty, I think.

Speaking of having my pelvis "proven" (that is the actual term a "proven pelvis"--like my pelvis actually had something to prove in the first place), the episiotomy front was looking pretty bleak at the first of the month. I did go to the other doctor for the second opinion, but she said that she didn't have much experience with that area (having not done many episiotomies as is currently RECOMMENDED by the American Medical Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology) so with time ticking and my current insurance running out, I went back to Dr. Non-Congeniality.

He examined me, confirmed that I still had the scar tissue present (duh) and wanted to try steroid injections (yeah, THERE; hurt like a sonofabitch) but that I would probably need surgery and so he was going to go ahead and schedule me for the next week. Surgery as in RECUT me and RESTITCH me and then 6 to 8 weeks MORE of recovery. Only without the benefit of a cute baby this time. Oh, and by the way, there is always the possibility that new scar tissue will form and we'll be right back where we started (sorry, J, you don't mind the celibate life, right?).

Fortunately, after the injections and a week of prayers and tentative sex (yes, God IS concerned about my vagina, thanks), I was able to report at my next office visit that things were at least a little better. So I managed to dodge the surgery bullet but had to go through another round of injections (OUCH). Whew.


So we make the move to Arizona in 6 1/2 weeks. I am excited to live near my family, but I am really sad to be moving away from two of my closest friends; Rachel and my cousin. We will go from having no babysitting network at all, to having more babysitting volunteers than we know what to do with. Yay, movies again.

The amount of moving we will be doing in the coming year horrifies me, but I'm kind of looking forward to this first time. I plan on throwing so much crap away and making a big trip to Goodwill. (J's t-shirt collection, I'm looking at you.)

Plus, our new apartment will have a dishwasher, a washer and dryer, and central air, all things that we are lacking right now (seriously I live like our freaking founding fathers...if they had electricity. And cable. And high-speed internet. Oh, and refrigeration and...). Not to mention the earthquakes. We felt that big one from a few weeks ago. My mom was visiting and her, me, and the baby were at home when all of the sudden I heard the rumble and then felt the wave-like movement of the livingroom floor underneath me and watched the walls shaking. So surreal. The biggest one I had been in so far. What really scared me was that the baby had been in his bouncer under the big heavy entertainment center. I can't even think about what could have happened if it had been any bigger. (Like that wall strap is going to hold that thing.)

Speaking of moms, J's mom and little brother are coming for a visit this weekend. Yay, babysitter. We're going to go see War of the Worlds (by the way the whole Katie/Tom thing really creeps me out). And while we're on the mom-in-law topic, a mini-rant. I do love the woman; she is sweet and I don't think really bad of heart, BUT has a definite passive-aggressive edge to her. When she came to see the baby a few weeks after the birth, this is the actual conversation we had:

Her: So, what are you going to call the baby?

Me: Um, well, we named him Mason, so...

Her: Oh. We were thinking we could call him by his middle name, Riley.

Me: (complete blank stare) Uh...well, we named him MASON, so that's...that's what we're going to call him.

Her: Oh. Okay.

Are you kidding me!?! Back OFF, lady, you had your chance to name kids. This one's MINE. Geez. I now have nightmares of him going to Grandma's house and coming back with an identity crisis.

What are we going to call him. GRRR.

P.S. My old site is going away, so if you want to read the archives, now is the time. (I may move some favorites over to here, but unless I find a place to host it for free, it's gone as of next week.)

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