

Remember me?

I used to hang around here and write mindless drivel about my life.

So, I finally sucked it up and went in and told my boss that I won�t be coming back to work. Of course I took the baby in with me, because, really, when they all saw how utterly adorable my baby is, how could they possibly expect me NOT to stay home with him? Hmmm??

I wanted to give my boss the courtesy of at least 3 weeks before my leave was up so as not to leave her in the lurch, and she was really understanding and gracious about it. (Well, at least to my face. I do know how things work around there�and most corporate offices in the nation.) And I did highlight the fact that we would be moving due to J�s schooling in the next few months, which helped with the notion that I think one or two of my coworkers had that I was failing the working women community as a whole and setting back the feminist movement by a notch or two by not coming back. (I mean, one of these women gave me a subscription to Working Women magazine for my baby shower and punctuated it with a conversation about how her child care center director pointed her to an article about how children who went to daycare were much more well adjusted to life and how even SAHMs should send their children to daycare, or they were doing their children a disservice.)

Anyway, I feel like a huge burden has been lifted because I was really nervous to go in and tell her that. Not to mention the burden lifted off my car, my gas budget, and overall life satisfaction level. I have to say, as far as corporate gigs go, that was a really nice one, and I really enjoyed all the people I worked with (with a few exceptions). But living each day feeling like I'm trapped in an episode of The Office is definitely NOT for me. I�m looking forward to finding new ways to stretch myself. I might brush up on my Flash skills and get back into the web design thing. Nothing on a grand scale, but it�s a good way to make a quick buck when I need it. I already have a few friends and family members with small businesses who are interested.

Actually, I really, really love staying home with my baby. I am so surprised at how not bored I am. I thought I would be going out of my mind with baby overload, but I seriously can�t get enough. These past few weeks his personality has really begun to show and each day is a new discovery. Yesterday, he discovered his tongue. And the fact that spit forms bubbles. My baby is�a GENIUS. The cure for cancer is obviously up next. He has also discovered the TV. It�s so funny, a week ago he didn�t know it existed; now whenever he�s in the room, he�s mesmerized. Like mother, like son, I guess. He has good taste, though. He started crying when a commercial for the next season of the Real World came on.

But I still have my moments. I am really frustrated with my pregnancy weight. I lost 20lbs right off the bat (I gained almost 50--yes, it pains me to type that), but have kind of plateaued after that. Still in maternity clothes. Grr. But I�ve started walking and dusted off the old Windsor Pilates DVDs, so hopefully I�ll get back in my old jeans soon. My goal is to lose a pound a week. Unfortunately, Chocolate Oreos, Dark Chocolate M&M�s, and banana nut muffins all seem to have other ideas.

Speaking of Dark Chocolate M&M�s (which leads to the Darth Vader commercial, which leads to�you see where I�m at, right?) we saw Revenge of the Sith and although I will say it was the best of the three, I only really liked it because of how neatly it set the framework for the original trilogy. Hayden, GAH. Get a personality.

So life is good. It would be great if not for the ongoing saga of my "Very Personal Space." I did end up going to the other gyno. She was so nice and very reassuring that things would get better, but she wasn�t quite as willing to go the aggressive route that Dr. Dick was willing to take. Which wouldn�t be a problem except that my very good insurance that I have (had) with my job ends at the end of the month, so if I need more treatment or (heaven forbid) minor reparative surgery, it would be much better for us to have it done before the end of June. (We have supplemental insurance, but it�s just not quite as good.) And of course, still no reconvening of the procedure (copyright Dooce). But it's doing wonders for our sense of creativity.

So there you go. Mindless drivel.

before ~ after

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