
Okay, okay, OKAY.

I know. I need to write an entry. But seriously, I have been feeling like my brain is completely fried as of late. And fried-brain entries are no fun for anyone. Trust me.

Well, the fun and exciting news is we had our ultrasound on Tuesday! And�

It�s a BOY!

Yep. That�s right. Fine, in-laws, you win. I concede. But he will not, I repeat, WILL NOT be allowed to even handle a firearm until he is at least fourteen. And if I have anything to do with it, by that time, he won�t want to. I�ll make him watch Bambi again and again and always make it a point to sob uncontrollably when Bambi�s mother dies. The boy will be scarred for life.

So, yes, I�m having a boy. I would be completely lying if I said I wasn�t a little disappointed when I found out. And also a little scared. I mean, he�s a boy, and I�m�just not, so, you know, a little anxiety there. But I�m sure it will all work out and I will somehow magically be able to figure things out as I go along. But definitely a boy, though. I mean, even I could tell that he was a boy before the tech even said anything. Which is a good thing, I guess. Anyway, the disappointment is quickly diminishing and I am gearing myself into full blue-mode. I�m really glad that we choose to find out before the birth, if only for the reason that now I won�t waste months oohing and aahing over the countless pink sleepers and dresses and whatnot out there. I can now bond on a real level with MY baby--my son--and that makes me happy.

The ultrasound was awesome, of course. When I saw those little fingers and toes and saw the little guy wiggling around in there, I was amazed. I didn�t cry until later when I was looking at the ultrasound pics. He is real, after all! And he is beautiful. (Or, in the words of my little sister, �Man, your baby is going to be HOT!� Heh.)

We are almost 100% sure that we are going to name him Mason. I love that name. So please don�t write me and tell me how stupid it is or how the bully who traumatized you to tears in the 2nd grade was named Mason and how he probably turned out to be a serial killer. Or worse (gasp), Republican.

They also moved my due date up by a whole 3 days to March 29th, for which I was unjustifiably excited. So I am officially 21 weeks. (And 2 days.) Yay.

So the other exciting news, other than the fact that I am creating a boy-child within my very loins as we speak, is that a NEW SEASON OF THE AMAZING RACE HAS STARTED.

Oh, Phil. I love it when you stand there, all stone-faced and grim, then cleverly break it to the crazies standing in front of you that they are, in fact, Team Number One. You sly devil, you.

Maybe we�ll use �Phil� for a middle name.

before ~ after

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