
I�m going to write an entry now. And it�s not going to be pretty. I�m kind of in a pissed-off, hating the world kind of mood right now, but for some reason, I want to write.

First of all, my job is driving me crazy. Now I don�t write about my job that much because I usually upload at work and I am fully aware that every single email, forum post, or comment that I send out from here ends up somewhere on their server and that kind of freaks me out because I am insanely paranoid. But then again, I have had enough trouble at work before because of this journal, so it�s not like I have no reason to be.

So my job. I am really sick of self-important people, which, in corporate America, is pretty much every single person you come into contact with. But when you can�t utter a single sentence to a coworker without hearing the indignant slam of the office door next to yours because all of your �chatter� is breaking someone�s �concentration� then I really, really have to try hard to hold back from issuing a general �get the hell over yourself� memo. But seriously. See previous.

The truth is that a big part of me feels that I have absolutely no intentions of coming back to this job after I have the baby. Well, that�s not entirely true. Some days I think that we could work something out, but then I have a day like this and I feel like I would rather chew glass than work like this. I�m so tired of the nit-picking, so tired of the passive-aggressive management approach bullshit, so tired of not really caring enough to feel remotely invested.

The commute is hell and most days it�s really just not worth it.


Anyway, it�s also just a tough week for me because I know that I only have to be here a couple of days before we take off to Arizona for Thanksgiving, so I have much less patience for it all than I usually do.

Okay, on to happier thoughts!

First of all, there is Thanksgiving, which is actually one of my favorite holidays. There is less hoopla than Christmas and, since there are no presents, more of a real focus on just enjoying being with family. And of course, food. Yay for being pregnant and not on a diet!!

Second of all, after scouring the internet intermittently since last Christmas, I FINALLY found the 6-disc LPs that we used to listen to every Christmas when I was growing up. I am way more excited about this than I should be, but these records just ooze pre-divorce happy childhood memories for me and I wanted them for my kids. They were a Reader�s Digest release, but for the life of me I couldn�t remember the title, just what the cover looked like. I�ve been checking eBay for for-ev-er with no luck. How could they not show up on eBay <>at all<>? Doesn�t EVERYTHING end up on eBay eventually?

Anyway, the other day the clouds parted and the angels sang and I suddenly remembered the name of the album (it might have been during that news story where that lady found the image of the Madonna in her grilled cheese, I don�t know�). So I typed it in to Google and�only came up with ONE REFERENCE. One. On the whole freaking internet. Where did my parents get this album? A black market in Tiajuana? But fortunately, this nice lone collector out in Virginia had it and was selling it for $16. After a friendly little conversation with the elderly gentleman about the weather in California and the trip he took out here 10 years ago to visit his cousin, I was wished a warm �Happy Holidays� and the LPs are on their way. Thanks, JT!! Behold, I have conquered the internet! My theory that everything is available somewhere online remains intact!

Do I have a record player? No. Do I simply plan on setting up a Christmas shrine around the box when it gets here. Maybe. Anyone know a cheap way to transfer LPs to CD?

Well, in any case, Happy Thanksgiving! May you have your own Christmas Album Miracle! (Or Hanukah, or Kwanzaa, whatever�)

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