
Eating a pomegranate is kind of like eating a brain�only with seeds.

Try it and tell me it�s not.


Okay, after whining about it in the last entry, I totally felt the baby move last night. And these weren�t the ambiguous flutterings from a few weeks ago; these were bonafide, definite kicks.

And it was? Completely. Awesome.

I cannot begin to describe how cool it was, or how big the goofy smile on my face was. All of the sudden it became very, very real.

And it happened again today. My friend (who just had a baby) let me know, �Um, yeah. That�s going to happen. A lot. So get used to it.�

There is a being in my body that is causing movements completely separate from my own brain and nervous system! Aside from ingesting large quantities of sugar, I have absolutely no control over when or how often those movements occur. Do you know how strange that is? Very. Strange.

And yet (and you all know what I�m going to say here), very, very cool.

Officially 20 weeks tomorrow. This baby thing is really happening!


So I�m driving out to Arizona tomorrow morning for the funeral. J can�t go because he has to work in the clinic. It�s funny how I spent years and years driving all over creation completely by myself (not to mention that I spend on average 3 hours in the car each day) but now because I am pregnant, everyone is shocked and dismayed that I�m driving by myself.

I have a cell phone. I have triple A. I am prepared.

Have a good Veteran�s Day. Don't forget to say "thank you."

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