
Ah. Okay. Well, I didn�t get around to the work issue in an entry or a notify update. Because I was busy. And I won�t post one at work, because I am paranoid. And I don�t think unnecessarily so. Big Brother? Hi!

It has been raining here in Southern California. Saturday night there was this awesome storm that went all night. I love to listen to rain outside while I am safe and warm in my bed. Although there was this terrific clap of thunder at around 2 a.m. that woke me up with my heart pounding. Fortunately for me, I think I had been dreaming about rain in my sleep so when the thunder came and I fully woke up, I knew right away what it was. J, on the other hand, completely FREAKED out and literally leapt up in bed, threw open the blinds, and kept muttering, �What was that! What was that! Was there an accident?!� until I calmed him down. Haha. He is not a good person to wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE the rain? Especially here--the only time when the air is actually breathable and the sky is blue is after a good storm. Sad.

My stepbrother did come out and visit. His girlfriend is sweet and I had fun getting to know her. We attempted to take them out to 3rd Street in Santa Monica, but it started raining soon after we got there so we got some ice cream and went home.

One of the best parts of having company over is that I finally got a clean house! Sad that it takes that kind of motivation lately, but I�ll take what I can get.

I also got to hang out with my adorable Pregnant Cousin again on Saturday. We marveled at the fact that she is indeed going to have full responsibility over a tiny human being which will be coming out of her own body in 9 DAYS! Aw. I can�t wait to vicariously live through her experiences. And get her old hand-me-downs. Sweet.

I have my 16-week checkup today. I can honestly say that I�ve been feeling better. I went a whole 5 hours without eating the other day! (You really can�t comprehend the magnitude of that statement unless you�ve been there before.) Next doctor�s visit we should be able to find out if we�re having a boy or a girl! J�s entire family wants me to have a boy, which I kind of resent. I don�t think that grandparents should have a preference. But I also secretly want a girl so I guess part of me feels like this is yet another instance where his family is putting on the pressure to go against what I want.

I need to take another pregnancy picture. I�m showing a little more than what I was at 9 weeks, though not much. Most people are surprised when I tell them how far along I am. Although there was this one woman at work who made the comment in the lunch room that �that skirt is getting really tight on you, isn�t it?� (which, NO, it�s not, really). Then she looked me up and down and said that she has tons of maternity clothes but �they would all be too small on you.� Fabulous. How can you say those words with a smile on your face, I�m wondering? People amaze me. I�ll just chalk it up to a long list of stupid comments that I�m sure I�ll hear over the next 5 months!

before ~ after

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