
Yay! I felt the baby move! I felt the baby move!

It was really, really cool. I think I�ve felt it a couple of times before but just didn�t know what it was. But then this morning, right when I woke up, I felt this weird fluttery shiver in my lower abdomen and for some reason, I just knew that was the baby. Wow, how crazy! And so very amazing at the same time. Aw, I am getting the biggest, silliest grin on my face just thinking about it. Week 16 and everything seems to be fine.

And I really needed a good way to end this week. Agh, work has been Drama Central this past week. We had a huge proposal due and out team ended up canceling a trip to Nashville for a corporate meeting to stay and get it out. So it was pretty quiet with just a few of us here in the office--mostly women. Cue the Drama. Anyway, I may give more details later (maybe just in a notify), but suffice it to say that I needed a relaxing, happy Friday.

My younger stepbrother and his girlfriend are coming out here this weekend and staying with us on Saturday, so that should be fun. The last time he was here was a few years ago with some friends for a trip his senior year. Ah, I remember it well: me and my roommate, both single, waking up in the morning to a roomful of hot 17 year-olds in nothing but boxers and bedhead. And one of them helpfully informing us that, hey, he turned 18 last week. Sweet. Thanks for the info.

So that�s about it. My little sister�s birthday is on Saturday, so Happy Birthday shout-out to her. She is one of the funniest people I know, and the only person that I can have a conversation with the word �butt-pimples� in it. That is true bonding, people.

Happy Birthday, Sis!

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