
There is something about forests that inspire me. I�m going to reveal myself to be an immense geek here, but whenever I am in a forest, surrounded by trees, I always hear in my mind the words that Lucy said in Lewis� classic tales of Narnia: �Oh, Trees, Trees, Trees,�wake, wake, wake. Don't you remember it? Don't you remember me?� There is just so much life in a quiet forest. And when those trees are ancient towering giants, it makes it feel all the more full of life and history to me.

The trip up north was so nice. Just what I needed. We left Friday afternoon, and after managing not to have a panic attack on the flight, we landed in Oakland. J has some good friends that live up there so we stayed at their place for the night. The next day we picked up the rental car, which, due to an employee oversight and a visiting corporate manager was upgraded from a Cavalier with no CD player and NO AIR CONDITIONING--HELLO, husband mine who is no longer allowed to make the car reservations--to a Olds Alero, fully loaded. Woohoo.

The drive up wasn�t too bad. I borrowed an incredibly vapid and unintentionally humorous romance novel from the house we had stayed in so that helped pass the time. You know you�re reading a really great example of poor literature when your husband keeps asking, �So now what�s happening? Anything good?� Two points for each time she uses the word �abandonment�!

Outside the national park, we stopped at a touristy place that J had visited with his family when he was young called the �Trees of Mystery.� Catchy, no? The best part is the giant Paul Bunyan that talks to you as you arrive. Oh, and the Anatomically Correct Big Blue Ox. Only the classiest of spots for us!

We are such dorks.

But actually, the place itself was really pretty. They had a tram ride up to the top of the mountain where you could see the ocean off in the distance. Aw.

The tram.

Then we got really brilliant and decided to hike back down rather than take the tram. Ow. My calves are still sore. But the trail was really pretty and we were the only ones on it. We thought briefly about fooling around out there, but then realized that a) this is a family park, and b) the prospect of getting twigs in unfortunate places outweighed the prospect of getting outdoor action.

Aw. Even from here my husband has a cute butt.

After our foray through the TREES OF MYSTERY (I always want to say it in a big, booming announcer-voice) we took our time driving back to Eureka, the town we were staying in for the night. We ate dinner at the Samoan Cookhouse that describes itself by saying they serve �lots of good food lumbercamp-style.� Hmm. They had a cool museum with a bunch of lumberjack memorabilia but I didn�t take any pictures of any of that, sorry. (And, yes, I was sad that they had cut down so many beautiful trees so many years ago.)

So high. The trees, I mean.

The next morning we got up and went to breakfast. Note: Oh my good laws did we eat so much crap this weekend! I think we spent, like $300 on food alone! (I think that was mainly due to us buying dinner for various friends when we went out because we like to pretend we are very rich. It makes people like us. Try it! It works!) I am getting to the point in the pregnancy where I kind of enjoyed most of the food, if I didn�t have to wait too long to get it.

Then we headed back down to San Francisco via a scenic route called the Avenue of the Giants. Wow. Was this drive gorgeous. I think this was my favorite part of the whole weekend. We pulled over at most of the designated spots and at one point took this long walk deep into the forest. It was like going back in time.

Insert Angel Chorus here.

Everything was so green and the trees were huge. I took a lot of pictures as we drove by just sticking the camera out the window.

Oof. This one makes me a little dizzy.

We got back to our friends house that evening and decided to drive out to Sonoma for dinner. We ate at this little Italian restaurant with great food and terrible service. Eh. Then drove back for the night and crashed.

Monday we drove into San Francisco and did all the touristy things. I made J go to the Palace of the Arts, which is my favorite SF spot. So pretty.

The closest I’ll get to European architecture for a while.

Then we drove down to Pier 39 and met up with more friends (and their adorable 3 year-old daughter, Grace) and ate at Bubba Gump�s. The day was absolutely gorgeous so we decided to walk to Ghiradelli Square for some ice cream. I, of course, got totally sunburned from just that short walk. But the ice cream was worth it. Yum.

I forget how much I really like San Francisco. I�m definitely much more a Northern California type girl than Southern. Sorry, SoCal. If for not other reason than the lack of pollution. Blech. So the trip was really nice. We flew out that night (J booked the late flight, grrr. Do you not realize that your pregnant wife has to be up at 5 a.m. the next day??) which was also a relatively stress-free flight for me, and that was that!

Very fun, relaxing trip. Next time I think we�ll take the time to drive up into the Sequoia National Forest, but I definitely got a good dose of nature.

< interruption > Our office Sparklets guy just hit on me. Hee. He asked if I�ve ever been to the State Fair and if I�d like to go. I had to give him the �Oh, yeah, my husband and I were thinking about going this year.� Always a little awkward. But definitely an esteem-booster! < /interruption>

Anyway, I�ll leave you with a picture of the Bay. Did I mention how gorgeous it was? I just want to blow up all these pictures and post them around my office to help me get through the day. Good times.

before ~ after

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