

I say that for two reasons, first of all, because that�s pretty much how I�m feeling today. The nausea is very persistent and now is accompanied by intense bloating and a feeling of being suffocated by my own flesh.

And I�m only 11 weeks along. Gah.

Secondly, I know that I need to write a recap of the three-day weekend (I have SO MANY pictures, you guys) and I and I have no idea how I will be able to muster up the energy for that.

But in summary, the trip was great. And I mean that really. Sometimes when you plan these types of quick get-away weekends and you pack so much into such a short amount of time, you don�t end up enjoying it. You end up tired and cranky and back at work before you know it. But this wasn�t one of those weekends and I�m glad. I mean, I�m still tired and cranky and back at work, but not any more than I would have been if we had just stayed home.

It was SO beautiful. I love the woods. I love the mountains. I love trees. I want to move up there and be a hippie in one of the many hippie towns we drove through.

I�m going to go meditate for a while and think about the woods. And try to pretend that the comment (made by a coworker who KNOWS I�M PREGNANT) that she �can tell I�ve been gaining weight� but I �still look cute in that skirt.�

Gee. Thanks.

before ~ after

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