
Did I say I wasn�t feeling any nausea? Ha. I lied! No throwing up yet, but bleh, do I feel sick to my stomach. I heard that there are these acupressure/magnetic bracelets that are supposed to help, so I might try those. In the meantime, ginger ale and soda crackers.

As I mentioned before, I currently have 3 appointments with various ob/gyns. The first is with my current ob/gyn out by where I work. She is awesome and I only wish she lived closer by my house (and delivering hospital of choice) so she could deliver for me. She�s going to do an 8-week ultrasound for me when I come in.

The other two appointments are with doctors that friends have used and come highly recommended (but who don�t perform first-trimester ultrasounds unless you are at high risk). So I figure I�ll see which one I feel more comfortable with and go with that for the delivery.

Okay, end of baby talk for the entry. On to more exciting and less relevant things!

First of all, Which Happy Bunny Are You?

you suck, and that's sad
You are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. You're truthful, but can be a bit

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

So perfect for me.

Also, we went and say The Village this weekend. I won�t ruin it, but I do have to say that I both liked it and was disappointed in it. The acting was really great, I thought; I also really liked the overall concept. What disappointed me was that I felt M. Night could have taken that concept and explored it a lot further than he did. At the end of the movie I just wanted more than I got and left feeling like, �Cool idea, but, eh.�

In other random news, I got the strangest email the other day about my upcoming high school reunion:

From : Girl That I Didn�t Really Know (GTIDRK)

Hello everyone,

My name is (GTIDRK). I went to XXX High for my sophmore year, I consider this school my class as I also so went to XXX Jr. High with lots of you. I am very disappointed to hear all this commotion about our ten year reunoin. This event shouldn't have to be a "mark on the map". It should be an event where people who used to spend all there time together get to catch up with those they lost contact with. Who cares if there is food, who cares if there is music ( we will just have to yell over the music for a conversation) who cares if everyone is dressed to the hilt? Personally I feel that it will be great to see all of you in a new light. We are now adults, probably with children and great careers, and all of this next stage attitudes. Please let us not fall back to "oh my god I have to look the best, I have to show everyone I am still that frustrated unmature teenager. Come as you are and be accepted. Anyway these are my thoughts I wish the world thought this way but if you must be childish and need all that high school glam you will leave the event uninspired and unrefreshed.

And to put in to terms everyone can understand GROW UP!

Thank for your time, GTIDRK

Now, besides the fact that this email is in dire need of a good proofread, the most random thing about it was who it was addressed to; the email was sent in bulk to the most eclectic mix of people. My initial reaction was, �Whaaa??� I mean, did I miss some drama? Had someone sent out a prior email to GTIDRK that I didn�t know about? Hmm. Well, being the perpetual smartass that I am, and also wanting to get to the bottom of things, I replied to everyone except for GTIDRK the following:

To: Everyone on the List

Did I miss something? Which one of you guys has been picking on poor GTIDRK? Also? I'm going to be the best dressed for sure so this whole conversation is pointless, really. ;)


I know, I�m terrible (hey, I did add the �just kidding� smiley face at the end, right?), but I would like to say to GTIDRK that the bigger the deal you make about it, the worse it will be. Let them worry about who�s wearing what. Just go and have fun. An email like the one you sent just screams �insecure� to me. (But then again, at least now I know I�m not the only one.)

Aw. I�m mean. But really, strange email.


We�re headed up north to visit J�s family on Thursday. We�ll probably break the baby news to them then. I�m excited, but not as excited as I will be to tell my own dad, of course. J already has 3 nieces and nephews, but I�ll be the first on my side. But I�m not looking forward to traveling with morning sickness. Yuck.

before ~ after

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