
This is just awful.

I know this woman�s family. Her father and stepmother live in our neighborhood. I see her little sister all the time. Her father is so nice. So friendly. I can�t even imagine what he is feeling right now. I don�t know how I�ll be able to say hello to him after this. What do you say?

Lori is my age. She got up that morning, just like every other morning, only something happened along the way. I can�t even imagine. And you do hope that she is still alive. But deep down inside, you just have that feeling like something horrible happened. Running alone in a canyon before sunrise? Not the best of circumstances. The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach.

A group of us got together to put up flyers. We know it�s such a long shot, us being here in California, but you feel a little better doing what you can. Besides, I guess the more people who see her face, the better.

Of course, the husband is already a suspect. The media would just love another Laci Peterson case. It is a little crazy that he lied about going to med school. She must have known about it, right? Can you imagine if she had been living with him the past few years and him being able to pull off a lie like that? I mean, you can�t fake a graduation, right? I guess you could skip one, though, if you had a good enough excuse.

But that�s just speculation. And right now I�m sure the family has much bigger things to worry about.

I�ll never understand how you could take another human being�s life. I can�t even think about it, really. Life is so precious and so fleeting as it is. To take that away from someone? I just don�t get it. You�d have to be so cold and unfeeling or else completely sick. How do people become so heartless? How do you justify it in your mind?

I guess I�m jumping ahead. We still don�t know what happened and people are still out looking. I'm just keeping the family in my prayers.

before ~ after

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