
Two days in a row! Either the muse of writing is smiling upon me, or I just finished a major project here at work and am bored out of my mind.

I'm typing this now in Notepad. I like the way it looks, clinical and clean. Courier cuts through all the bullshit. I've been looking for something inspiring to read on the web lately. Not too many updates and I�m even finding myself bored with the internet (gasp!).

I've been reading a lot of Siobh�n's archives. I like the way she writes.

Reading someone's archives always feels a little strange to me. Like I'm a time-traveling voyeur of sorts. The past just seems so much more vulnerable than the present. And you can't just read a few past entries and then jump to today. You may really like the person who was writing a few years ago and then be dismayed to find that the entries from the present feel like a completely different journal. If you don't read all the entries in between, following the metamorphosis, you can end up feeling like you're reading a stranger. (Which you are in either case, so maybe none of this really matters anyway.)

That is what so great about these journals; each entry is a snapshot of the immediate reality. They aren�t written to flow together necessarily, or make you feel comfortable with some ultimate resolution. They are what they are. That�s why schizophrenics make the best journallers.


Work today was better. Much better. At least traffic was better and that subsequently means that work will be better. I went to yoga today at lunch. I find that if I leave right when the class is supposed to start, I will get to the gym and get changed about 15 minutes into the class. Then I�ll get at least a half-hour to breathe out all the negativity and make it back to the office in the allotted hour. Brilliant. And on some days, necessary.

Letssee, what else? Oh, the Olympics are coming! The Olympics are coming! I am a self-proclaimed Olympics freak. During the two weeks that the games are on, it is all Olympics, all the time at my place. I don�t know, I�m not even that much of a sports fan (just the occasional Suns game), but there is something about all these athletes from all over the world coming together that just gets me. And plus, have you SEEN what some of these people can do with their bodies?? Yeesh. I could pull a muscle just watching. It�s awesome.

I have been on a shopping binge as of late. I�m not a serial shopper, but the urge does tend to come every few months. Fortunately for me (and J), I try to stay away from the mall as much as possible to feed the urge. TJMaxx, Kohls, cheap stores in the Korean district, etc. I have been WAY into summery skirts. I need to stop the madness. I seriously have like 17 skirts hanging in my closet right now (that�s including the fancy ones too). But they�re so cuuuute. Throw on a skirt, a Banana t-shirt, and some sandals and you are good for the majority of social events here in Southern California. And skirts are definitely my thing. Small waist, J-Lo butt, meet flattering summer skirts. But. Must stop.

Other than all that, it�s been relatively quiet around here. J and I have been enjoying each other�s company. We went for a walk last night around sunset. Aw. I love to picture us as one of those little old couples that still holds hands. He is definitely the hand-holding-when-we�re-old-type.

Speaking of sticky-sweetness, I need to go see The Notebook. I just finished the book, and I�ll be damned if it didn�t suck me in at the end. I hate that. I mean, I know the whole point of the book is to appeal to my sappy side, but I hate it when my feelings give in to the contrivance of it all. Sigh. Although, I do have to say that when he was describing them kissing when they were old and decrepit, I did get a little grossed out. Ew.

before ~ after

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