
Some Mondays aren't so bad.

Other Mondays, like today, can be death.

I am supremely unsatisfied at the moment. Just in general. I am cranky and antsy and bored. I am resentful. I am looking at the list of things that I have to do for work today and it's like facing a root canal with no anesthetic.

I saw two movies this weekend. One was the Butterfly Effect, which really made me appreciate the lack of scarring trauma from my childhood. The other was I, Robot which was at least good for a few hours of mindless entertainment. Summer movies are always nothing but eye candy for me. I don�t expect much and so I�m not usually disappointed.

I am hoping, though, that Napoleon Dynamite, which is next on my list, lives up to the reviews.

Oh, and P.S., I saw the movie Solaris a few weeks ago, and I liked it. So there.

I feel a little bit better after talking about movies.

Sidenote: Gah. I have a supervisor who feels the need to copy everyone in the world on Every. Single. Email. I just got email number 5 and it�s not even 9 o�clock.

Mondays. Grr.

I made Scotcheroos this weekend and that made me happy. However, it is so damn hot in our apartment that they are currently a pile of melted goo. Yummy goo, but goo nonetheless. This no air conditioning thing is really getting to be a problem. What the hell, California? At what point in the late seventies did you decide that central air wasn�t something you needed around here? It�s not like I live near the beach anymore, dammit!

Our poor cat is PISSED about it. Everyday when I come home he looks at me like, "What in the HELL kind of place are we living in? Hope you enjoyed the air conditioning at YOUR OFFICE while I'm here SUFFERING! In case you haven't noticed, this is FUR I'm wearing here, lady!" The other night J was like, "Milo just hasn't seemed as playful lately." And I'm thinking, yeah, that�s because he is suffering from a constant state of HEAT EXAUSTION. Poor thing.

Wow. That use of all-caps up there really made me feel better.

So I�m trying not to be in a constant state of bitchery today. I�m trying not to be pissed at the fact that the only shows that are making television bearable this summer are all on at the same time on the same night. I�m trying to ignore the mindless tedium that work can be or the fact that the state budget is currently 3 WEEKS overdue. And I�m really trying to be proud of myself that I�m having cottage cheese and peaches for breakfast when on days like this I want nothing more than to down 2 sausage breakfast croissants from BK followed by an order of hash browns, and washed down with a cream-filled donuts and a large Chocolate Blast.

before ~ after

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