

I have nothing to say really, but a nagging feeling that I should say something (which always leads to brilliant writing, right?)

First of all, I am officially theme parked-out. I spent the weekend immersed in the average tourist�s California experience. Saturday was Knott�s, Sunday was the beach, Monday was Magic Mountain and the fact that I managed to come out of all of this with only a trace of a sunburn and not one incident of road rage is a miracle. Let�s hear it for sunblock and car pool lanes.

I think Bo had a lot of fun, though, which is the most important part. And he is the best kind of kid in that he doesn�t insist on staying from sunup to sundown and riding all the rides with the 2-hour lines, but petered out after about 5 hours, just when I was ready to go. Good kid.

I had been to all those parks before and was expecting to be very under-impressed. The one thing that did get me, though, was the �X� ride at Magic Mountain. Whew. Is that ever a great coaster. It scared the crap out of me. Granted that I have chronic-overactive-imagination-syndrome and kept envisioning the safety bars malfunctioning and opening at critical moments during the ride resulting in my untimely yet spectacular death, but still, scary ride.

We also went and saw Spider-man this weekend, which despite the presence of the extremely annoying and terrible acting skills of Kirsten Dunst, was still much better than the first movie (be honest boys, she really isn�t THAT pretty even--just a great set of boobs). Any movie that can make fun of itself with a �Raindrops Keep Fallin� on My Head� segue is okay in my books.

I am so excited for the Bourne Supremacy.

So that�s about it. Things have been kind of crappy at work lately for reasons that I just don�t have the energy to go into at this time. Let�s just say that my office is in an annex with 3 other women by ourselves and it appears that all three of them are set to cycle at the exact same time.

So to end on a happy note, Kitty Pics!

These are actually a few months old. Milo is much bigger now. But these ones are too cute to pass up. Enjoy!

Sigh. Must you?

Here is Milo chillin� in one of the spaces under our coffee table. Notice the look of annoyance at having his picture taken.

Admit it. I am very-very sexy, no?

This one I like to call the �Kitty Porn� pose (welcome Googlers). I swear this isn�t posed. I just walked into the living room and he was all laid out on the back of the chair asleep like that.

Ooo. Pretty.

For the first few months that we had him, Milo had this strange fascination with the toilet when it flushed. Every time he heard it flush, he would come running and jump up to see the preeetty water.


And this is Milo in his favorite spot on the coffee table. Aw. He�s so darn cute, all deer-in-headlights-like.

before ~ after

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