
Well, kiddos, it looks like we've reached a decision point.

See, technically, I've got to pony up and pay for this here Gold membership thingy at Diaryland...AGAIN...and I'm realizing that, hey, I don't really do a whole heck of a lot here anymore. Also, you don't really have to pay for online space anymore (hello!).

So, in about 10 days or so, either I pay, or...I'm not exactly sure what happens. Anyone know? Like, does my fancy Gold membership go the route of Cinderella at midnight and turn back into a no-frills free d-land membership? Or does it simply go "poof"; existing only in the cached pages of Google forevermore?

I tried emailing this Andrew person (the man behind the d-land curtain) to ask, but first my email was sent back because his inbox is too full, and then it was rejected all together. Nice.

In any case, I'm pretty sure my time with Borderline Insanity is done. It's just...not good anymore. In the beginning I was single, life was interesting to non-parental types and being online was part of the exciting single life. There were none of these "blog" things; no livejournal; no myspace. There were a few select technical-literary types out there who had the skillz to put up amazing online journals that actually said things worth reading. I wanted to be one of them. I don't think I ever got there, but I met some cool people and had some fun doing it.

In the beginning, I wrote to impress (ha!)--to be a part of this exclusive online "club." There were conferences where these writers would get together, and even awards to recognize each other's works. I really wanted to be a part of all that. Looking back at my old entries (most of which aren't online anymore) I was trying so damn hard. It makes me cringe; and it makes for really, really bad writing.

So I'm pretty sure that regardless of what happens here at the stroke of midnight 10 (or so) days from now, I'm done with Borderline Insanity. I don't think I could give up being on the web completely, though I'm still not sure where or how. If I do stay on, it's going to be a site delving more into the religious/spiritual side of my life, and we all know that's just not everyone's bag. (You can email me if at all interested; I probably won't be using the Notify List anymore.)

So for all of those who kept up with this trainwreck (or not--I mean if it were really a trainwreck you would have been much better entertained!); Thanks! I loved hearing from you and really appreciated the support.

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
--Anne Frank



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