
So here�s my mini-review of the Emmy�s. I know, people are homeless and suffering. But I�m sure that looking at all the pretty people will cheer them up, right? IF WE CANCEL THE EMMY�S THEN THE TERRORISTS REPUBLICANS MOTHER NATURE WILL WIN. Or something like that.

First of all, Emmy Idol? Meh. Although getting Donald Trump in overalls was probably the only reason they did it. What that man won�t do for publicity.

Everybody Loves Raymond. AGH!! Enough already. Just because it was their last year doesn�t mean that Everybody Deserved an Emmy. Bleh. Although Doris Roberts� grandsons were cuties (especially the little freckly one). Such a grandma-thing to do; dragging them up there with her. Heh.

Okay, I have to admit that I like Jennifer Garner. I have yet to watch any of her work (sorry, Alias lovers), but she is just so �best-friend-from-summer-camp� to me that I can�t help it. And the following picture only heightens that like because�Jennifer Garner has a serious case of Pregnancy Butt. And she still looks lovely, so there, crazy-ass Hollywood. Now all she needs is some Pregnancy Arms and I will declare myself her new biggest fan.

Hey! Didn�t we invite Ellen Pompeo? She was just here a second ago�Oh! Sorry, Ellen. I didn�t see you behind that street sign pole. Love the new show!

One of my favorite Hollywood couples. Aw. Almost makes you think marriages in Hollywood can last.

So that was fun. Except not as much as you think it will be. Sometimes it is so acutely obvious that Hollywood is just one big bowl of cronies to me. It�s like Washington, only prettier. But the new season has started and I am WAY too excited about it. Do you want to see a list of all the shows I plan on watching/taping/checking out? Here they are in no particular order:

All of the CSI�s (although I can easily skip "Miami"), Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser, Medium, Supernatural, The Apprentice, The Apprentice Martha-style*, Desperate Housewives, Lost**, Grey�s Anatomy, ER**, America�s Next Top Model*, Extreme Home Makeover***.

*Pending further review.

**Interest is severely waning. ER is waaay past it�s prime. Lost just needs to get on with it already.

***Let�s face it, I only watch the before and after.

Wow. That seems pretty sad when I type it all out like that. Good thing I have a husband who likes watching most of those shows (plus sports!!) as much as I do. Otherwise, we�d be in trouble.

But maybe it wouldn�t hurt to cut back just a little. Ya think? I really don't want the baby's first words to be "You're fired!"

before ~ after

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