
I'm going to forget about trying to find something interesting to write about and just blather on about the randomness in my head. And I'm not even going to spell check. So don't email me. Thanks.

First of all, (and I hate it when I start off with a "first of all" because when I end up with a list of about 10 things, do I have to start each one with an "nth of all"? moving on...) I just purchased the Keane CD and it is awesome. You should go buy it NOW.

Also, sending much happiness and congratulations to Monique. Wow. She is so brave. That SUCKS about her losing her job because I have had that EXACT same experience. Not fun. But yay for her engagement and new job.

I have been starting to sort through the huge amount of crap that I own and already have 3 big garbage bags full of clothes to give away. Way to purge. Feels good. But it has also been an extremely depressing thing to do because I reminded myself that I have a TON of outrageously ADORABLE clothes that DON'T FIT ME. I have TWELVE pairs of jeans in varying degrees of smaller sizes alone on the top shelf. I MUST lose this weight. Simply for no other reason than I just can't afford to buy a new wardrobe in the size I am now. (So far I have been shlepping around in early maternity clothes and a few of the less tacky items from Walmart and Target because I WON'T let myself buy nice things in this size. Yet.) It's time to kick it into high gear. I don't think just switching to "Enova" cooking oil is going to cut it.

Fourth of all (and this ties in to the previous paragraph), we are going to Playa del Carmen, Mexico the first week of October. My husband's brother is getting married there. I am excited because I love Mexico and will now get a kick in the butt to brush off my extremely rusty-but-sadly-once-spectacular Spanish skills. BUT we decided that we aren't going to take the baby (my parents have offered to watch him) and that thought alone is enough to send me into panic attacks. He will be 6 months old. Is that too soon to spend 5 days away from him?? Will he forget me?? Will he still want to nurse when I get back?? Ack. I won't think about that today...

I have been enjoying the USA series The 4400 entirely too much. And every time I watch it, I can't get over the fact that the guy in the Dead Zone (show on after) is none other than little Anthony Michael Hall from Sixteen Candles.

As our time here in SoCal is drawing to an end, I can't help but lament the many things that we didn't do while we were here. We never took a trip up to Carmel or Monterey. We never stayed on Catalina. We never went to a movie premiere. We were never on the Price is Right. We never even saw a real movie star (John Lithgow barely even counts). Sigh. Too late now.

So there you go. Blathering at it's best. I have extended family drama o'plenty but just haven't had the time to write about it. Soon.

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