
Random thoughts to keep my mind off the fact that I am officially overdue as of today:

I am LOVING the Jeopardy Ultimate Tournament of Champions right now. I am a geek. I do think that the final three should have to compete in an �American Gladiator�-type challenge at the end. Picture Ken Jennings in the tights and the helmet. Tell me that wouldn�t be great.

I really hate that semi-dried plug of lotion that comes out when you haven�t pumped the bottle in a while. I hate how it sticks to random places on your hand and how when you try and massage it away it just breaks up into smaller globs.

There are no less than EIGHT framed pictures of my husband and me displayed in our living room right now. No, wait. TWELVE if you count the four-panel collage of our wedding. We NEED to have this child if for no other reason that I am tired of living in a sea of narcissism.

Pregnant. Cadbury Mini Eggs. �Nuff said.

Finally saw the movie Ray, which only served to confirm my belief that Jaime Foxx deserved that Oscar. Brilliant.

I admit, I bought the cutest summer skirt the other day in my pre-pregnant size. I figure am setting myself up for some disappointment and frustration or giving myself a fun incentive. Worst-case scenario? That skirt would look great on my little sister.

The new season of the show The Bachelor is the WORST EVER. I mean, we�re talking total train wreck--so hideous that you just can�t stand to look. Charlie O'Connell is the ultimate antithesis of any guy I would ever want to date. Ugh. The show is now one big Elimidate episode. And yet, I watched the first episode in its entirety.

Our new pediatrician suggested that we start giving the cat baths to reduce the amount of dander before the baby gets here just in case he is allergic. Right. That�s going to go over really well, I�m sure.



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