
Free at last, free at last�

I�m done!! I don�t ever have to make that miserable commute to work again! I can�t even begin to tell you the extreme joy that gives me. I really didn�t mind my job really, as far as corporate jobs go, but the commute was killing me. And J and I figured out that we will be saving at least $150 a month on gas alone. Of course, that won�t necessarily offset the loss of the $900+ a week, but�let�s just focus on the positives, shall we?

Anyway, I definitely feel a lot more freedom to write what I want on this site now. After posting a few times from the office, I just wanted to play it extra safe. I�m pretty sure that no one there knew about this journal, though. And I cleared out all my cookies, temp files, etc. before I left. Trust me, I learned my lesson once before.

Here�s the deal with work; I am officially on maternity leave for the next 12 weeks. But the thing is, come August, J goes out on his last year of rotations for school (kind of like a medical residency). He was slated for 6 months in Arizona, which works out because my dad lives out there, then 3 months in Amarillo, Texas, which�who the hell lives out in Amarillo, Texas? Yeah. I�m not too thrilled about that one. But after that, he�s done (hallelujah!). So, I�ll be moving to Arizona with him for sure in August. I plan on coming and talking to my boss about this about halfway through my maternity leave and see what she says. We do the type of work that I could easily do from home. Will she go for it? Remains to be seen. If she doesn�t think she�ll be able to keep my on while we are moving around, then I won�t be coming back after my leave. I just don�t see the point in suffering the commute and stress for only a few extra weeks of pay.

I have been extraordinarily lazy the past few days. I have taken naps. I have decorated. I am blissfully content.

According to the latest from the doctor on Monday, it�s not looking like the baby will be here anytime before my due date. Part of me is okay with that--how can I possibly be ready? But on the other hand, more time just means longer for me to stress myself out about the whole thing. It�s like preparing to take a leap into the great unknown. You just have to close your eyes, take the leap, and take it as it comes.

Right. Like I�m really so laid back about it. What I�m really thinking is: AAAAH!! I�m having a BABY!! In a few DAYS!!!

But SERIOUSLY, I found out my girlfriend is going to be in LA in two weeks on business. And I was like, �Great! I haven�t seen you in ages! How fun�.um�yeah. SWEET HOLY MOSES, I WILL PROBABLY HAVE A FREAKING BABY WHEN YOU COME OUT HERE!� So, I guess she can, uh, help me with the baby for a couple of days.

Surreal doesn�t even begin to describe it. One minute I�m scared, the next I�m excited. My entire identity is about to change forever.

Okay. ENOUGH with the baby talk.



(crickets chirping)

We�re enjoying the Amazing Race quite a bit. Rob and Amber crack me up. I LIKE how they have added all kinds of sneaky to the game. Makes things interesting.

Oh, and I personally am SO relieved at how this season�s Survivor has redeemed the show. You just don�t realize how bad things have gotten until you get a season like this one. Less whining! More thinking! Yay! But I�m feeling the imminent departure of Fireman Tom and it makes me sad. I really hope that he and Ian figure out that they are going to have to start scheming if they want to ensure their place on the island. Oh, and Stephanie rocks! She is so hard-core.

I�m getting the baby blog ready to go soon. I�ll post some pre-baby pictures on there in the next few days!

before ~ after

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