
So J and I made it a Movie Extravaganza weekend.

First we rented The Terminal and Mean Girls on Friday night. We only watched The Terminal because I am in a delicate condition and have to be in bed by 10:30 on weekend nights because if I don�t I turn into a raging ball of hormonal bitchiness. Ahem, I mean, because I am a delicate flower who needs her beauty rest.

Anyway, The Terminal? Sucked. So, so hard. Seriously, at what point did Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg think that this was going to work? Didn�t Spielberg hear Tom practice his accent beforehand? It was so tedious and drawn-out. I didn�t care about Viktor, didn�t care about CZJ�s character, didn�t care if they ever hooked up or not. But then at the end when they didn�t? I really didn�t care. Plus, the big emotional payoff at the end? Are you kidding? Spoiler: He was there to get an autograph from a Jazz singer that his dead father wanted�Yawn. So disappointing.

Then on Saturday, after running a million pre-holiday errands together, we went to see Ocean�s 12. This movie was at least entertaining. But once again the ending was very, �Huh? Okay. If you say so.� There was just no way to make a sequel that lived up to the original. But Italy is preeeety.

But Mean Girls? Was funny. And Lindsay Loh@n is hot. And I have a terribly sinking suspicion that her boobs are, in fact, real. Bitch.


Are you ready for my Most Embarrassing Moment of the week? No really, mine tops yours. NO. REALLY.

So yesterday was our company Christmas party. Usually we get to go home after the party, but apparently Management decided that stuffing their employees to the gills, getting them all worked up and in the holiday mood and then forcing them to drive back to the office and into their cubicles was a great idea. (Bitter? Me?) So I was really full and very sleepy by the late afternoon.

Well, I took a bathroom break (one of a bazillion for the day) and then went up to talk to our department secretary. Well, as I stood in front of her desk (situated behind a reception counter) I looked off to the side towards my boss�s office and noticed that one of the other department heads was sitting there talking to her. I also noticed that he was looking slightly confusedly in my direction. Hm, maybe it was my pregnant profile that was throwing him off. Oh, well.

Anyway, having finished talking to the secretary, I turned to leave and had walked through the door when I heard someone rushing up behind me. It was the secretary. �Oh, um, Anelie, you�ve got something, um, going on in the back of your skirt.� Hm, going on? In the back of my skirt? I wonder what it could be�

People, I had the back of my skirt TUCKED INTO THE TOP OF MY PANTYHOSE. Thereby exposing my increasingly expanding backside to all the world.

So, in case you were wondering, that, evidently, DOES happen to people in real life outside of situation comedies.

Oh yeah, and I had apparently walked from the bathroom, THROUGH THE ENTIRE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, and STOOD IN FRONT OF MY BOSS�S OFFICE with it that way.

Shall we stop and picture the visual there for a second? Me smiling, saying hello as I walked by�

I bet it was HOT.

I can only imagine what the secretary saw when I turned and walked away from her desk.

Grasping for the positives here (and also in an effort of convincing myself to actually show my face at the office again), they were more like tights than pantyhose. And they were black and mostly opaque. And the Department Head sitting in my line of site in my boss�s office is a little nearsighted and didn�t have his glasses on at the time�


Can I crawl back under my desk now?


The baby has been kicking in a very unsettling manner today. Meaning that he is apparently trying to kick his way through my cervix and out of my uterus. This feeling is most unpleasant. I keep prodding him hoping he will shift around, but no doing. I tell him that he should really just sit back and enjoy his time in my womb, as it is warm and sanitary and completely rent-free, but he just keeps kicking away. Trust me, kid, you want to stay in there as long as possible.

Especially with a flasher for a mother.

before ~ after

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