
You know, I�m a self-admitted natural born slacker, but I have to honestly say, I would kill for a huge project right now. Work is so slow and it�s not helping me fight the mid-pregnancy blahs that I�ve got right now. So in an effort to fight the feeling that my brain is slowly leaking into my growing abdomen, I�m writing this entry. Enjoy.

So I finally signed up for the bazillion maternity classes that I wanted to take at the hospital before the baby comes. I�m sure I overdid it, but hey, I was looking for another way to spend the piles of money we have laying around. I signed us up for the Maternity Ward orientation class (free), and then a Super-Saturday (I can�t type that without a booming Hispanic voice saying "Su-pear Sabado!" in my mind) Childbirth Class ($70), and then I also signed up for a couples Breastfeeding Basics class ($30) which J is absolutely thrilled about, I�m sure.

I was really tempted to sign up for the Infant CPR class (I haven�t been certified for ages) and the �Survival Skills for the First 3 Months� but decided that we don�t really have the money, and hey, if my mom could figure it out without all those classes, then so could I. I have to admit, though, the title of that last one really cracked me up. I keep picturing this woman dressed up in Rambo-like fatigues (camo painted on her face and everything) with an ammo belt full of bottles and baby powder and all that. Hee.

You may now write me and tell me how all these classes are pretty much a waste of money in the end.

I�ve recently become obsessed with purchasing a Gap gray-tweed maternity skirt off of eBay. They have one up at least every other day and for some reason or other, I have fixated on it. I will have one, oh yes.

I also have to say that I broke down and set up an Amazon wish list, more for myself than anything else. The first three items I have placed on said list? A pedometer (thanks, Mo, now I want one too), and two of the cheesiest and yet awesome musicals of all time: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and Calamity Jane with Doris Day. Oh, how I loved me these movies when I was a kid. LOVED. (I mean, who WOULDN'T love Howard Keel singing "Bless Her Beautiful Hide" at the top of his lungs? And that Benjamin was a looker, but he must not have been able to dance worth a darn since they always kept him in the back.) Such a dork.

Survivor finally got kinda good this season. I REALLY want Chris to win, and I REALLY can�t stand high-and-mighty Scout (Twila has been buggin my ass as well, lately). Bleh. Chris had better understand that if he doesn�t get immunity for the rest of the game now, there is no way he�ll be in the final two.

J doesn�t have to work in the clinic this Saturday for the first time in forever so I am punishing him by dragging him to a garage sale to look at cribs. If what the woman says is to be believed, she has a $600 crib (and new mattress) for $150. We shall see. We�ll also probably end up seeing Ocean�s Twelve because my libido could use some eye candy. (J: AMEN to that!)

Finally, I was so proud of myself last night. Instead of staring at the TV last night in a mindless stupor, I actually got some stuff done. I pulled out my Box-o-Pictures and FINALLY got started on putting some of those suckers in albums. Yay, me. I got all the way up to the wedding done. Now I�ve just got to start on the First Year pics, and we�ll be set. (I only do scrapbooks for the big stuff, like the Wedding, Honeymoon, Baby�s First, etc. I�m not THAT much of a sadist, c�mon.)

Have a great weekend!

P.S. I�m going to start working on a Baby Blog for the family. I�m looking for something easy to set up and update, cheap, and with good picture-hosting abilities. Anyone in love with their blog host? (Typepad? Blogger?) I�d love some input! Thanks!

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