
So it was J�s and my birthday this week. That�s right, he is exactly 23 hours older than me. But you can bet that for those 23 hours, I don�t let him forget it. Heh.

Why are birthdays so anti-climactic now? I mean, really. Just so not what you expect them to be. I always leave a birthday feeling a little deflated. And I�ll admit, J having his birthday the day before mine is still a little strange. It�s like we go through the gamut birthday motions only to wake up the next day with the a distinct case of the �wait, haven�t I been here befores.� It�s like the movie Groundhog Day but with more calories.

(There are two, count them TWO entire cakes sitting in my refrigerator right now.)

We�re still getting the hang of it, apparently.

Even without the back-to-back celebration issue I�m still not completely comfortable with the whole birthday concept. Presents are nice. I like the getting of the presents. But the spotlight-on-you-let's-celebrate-my-existence thing is just not doing it for me. For example, the girls at the office went a bit overboard, to say the least--I couldn�t find my desk through all the fuscia streamers. And watching grown men eek out mangled versions of the Birthday song while wearing Hello Kitty party hats for fear of being denied cake is not my idea of a dignified celebration. I wanted to claim being Jehovah�s Witness just to end their suffering.

Birthday Nazis. Every office has got �em.

Finally, let�s be honest, getting older really is getting to be a bit depressing. I passed the age where you want to claim a year or two older to gain professional credibility. Or to get into bars. Now it�s to the point where an admission of age only spotlights said lack of credibility. And I never get carded anymore.

But enough of the bah-humbugs about my birthday.

I think that I need to change the way I celebrate it. That would be better. I want to do things for other people on my birthday rather than have them do them all for me. I think that way I would get more out of it.

I want the people I love not to simple know that I�m happy to be alive, but that I�m happy to be alive to know them! That my birthday is not just a celebration of me, but a celebration of all of us!

Wow. I think I�m on to something here.

Of course, presents would still be appreciated. I�m not Ghandi, you know.


But all sarcasm aside, I really did have a lovely birthday and many friends did many nice things for me. J bought me this gift certificate for a day at this fabulous spa (yay, massage and pedicure!) and I bought him a watch and a really nice shirt that makes me want to rip it off of him (one of those latin-inspired white linen button-ups, yummy).

[funny story about the shirt]

J is the hardest person in the world for me to shop for. So finally I broke down and asked him if there was anything he really wanted. He sat there and thought for a second and then said to me with the most serious expression on his face, "Hmm. I just want a nice shirt. You know, like the sexy, fancy kind."


I really had to resist the urge to go out and buy him some gold-lame-Barry-Manilow-esque-puffy-sleeved shirt. Because really, "sexy, fancy"? Ah.

Good thing I know he's straight. Heh.

[/funny story about the shirt]

There was much food eaten (Did I mention the cakes? Counting the office, there were THREE of them, people.) and I got a really lovely card from my mother that made me cry. Aww.

Then we all went back to my place and watched "Last Comic Standing" and got really pissed off when some of the lamest people on the show made it into the house. The Dans were robbed, I say! (Dan Naturman and Dan Ahdoot) Whatever, NBC. Hope you get whatever "chemistry" you were going for in the house, cuz you sure didn't get the best comics.

Not that I get WAY too involved in my TV, or anything.


In other news, I will be gone all next week to help out with our church youth camp. Yeah. I�m going to be in charge of 6 twelve to fourteen year-olds in the middle of the wilderness. Scared yet? It involves such things as tents, outdoor latrines, and teaching wilderness survival and outdoor cooking. Because I�ve been told that�s how Jesus and the disciples did it. Only in sandals and robes, which we won�t be using. But that would be funny if we did. Heh.

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