
So, it�s summer, I guess.

Funny how that phrase used to look more like this:

�Yay! It�s SUMMER!!!�

�Summer� used to be that mythical time of year that I looked forward to like a faithful Hindu to the promise of Nirvana. (And also, it was the name of the girl who invited me to my first slumber party where we had a dance competition and I won by performing �Footloose� on the coffee table before her mother walked in on us, but I digress.)

Summer used to mean sleeping in and tank tops and catching up on Days of Our Lives episodes before realizing that you can actually go an entire school year of missing a soap opera and, except for that one episode where your favorite character was buried alive, again, not miss a thing (once again with the digression thing, sorry). But you know what I mean. I stood at the beginning of summer poised for great adventure. Not to mention, on the other side of summer lay a new year of school one grade older--a palpable sign of your growing maturity. You got to go back the next year and act really condescendingly toward those who were you just one year ago. You were, in fact, going to rule�the school.

But before all that were pool parties, and sunburns, and maybe even a first kiss from your best friend�s cousin who was visiting for the summer. The one who looked like one of the Coreys. Ah, the possibilities were endless.

Then you graduated from college.

Suddenly �summers� went away. �What is this strange thing of which you speak? Tell me more of this sum-mur,� you now ask.

So the next few months will be spent exactly the same as the last few months, only now when I go outside for the very brief moments that they allow us out, the weather will be mocking my servitude and antagonizing my inner summer-break-raised child. And I don�t even want to hear it from you teachers out there. I�ve got a friend who is probably out developing melanomas as we speak.

Sigh. We didn�t know how good we had it. I�d even gladly put up with nothing being on TV but reruns of the Munsters at this point.

At what point did we as an adult populace decide that we didn�t need summer break? I mean, we work 10 times harder now than we ever did when we were in school. At what point was it decided that we should continue to sit in our small, badly lit offices during the time of year when the sun is out and the world is at it�s most gorgeous, and even the Fresh Prince is out having a bar-b-que?

Office workers of the world, UNITE! I think it�s time that we re-claim our rightful place amongst the pajamas-till-noon wearing population! We should start a revolt! We should lodge a complaint! We should�just let somebody else do our work for the next few months! Yeah! We should�um�not have to pay our bills until September�

Oh. Right. The bills.


Fine. Then I�ll just have to delude myself into the appearance of summer with self-tanner and an occasional root-beer flavored popsicle.

But don�t be surprised if I show up at the office one day in a halter top and cut-offs, m�kaay?


Current thoughts: Summer is also the time of year known to many as the blessed time of my birth. In exactly 5 days I will be celebrating my 28th birthday, which means that I will be two years away from celebrating my 30th birthday, whereupon, I�ve been told, all life as I know it will cease. Bring it on, bitches.

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