
YAY! Manic-depression can be fun!

So I�m in a better mood this week. I�m helping to plan my baby shower and since my friend who is planning it is inviting pretty much every woman in our church congregation, I am hoping to make a HAUL. Ahem. Not like it�s all about the gifts or anything.

But also, I am very excited because my mom and sister are flying in for the event. And because my mom is slightly crazy, it should be FUN! (Who says there can�t be strippers at a baby shower! And baby-bottles filled with mimosas! Woohoo! Or�maybe just a rousing turn of �pin the diaper on the baby.�)

I added 250mg RAM to my home computer this weekend all by myself (while my tech-challenged husband looked on in wonder), which made me feel like a badass. AND, because I am a sell-out, I created a blog to record all of my baby-centric entries so as to spare those of you who really don�t need to see another drooling picture of the CUTEST BABY IN THE WORLD�NO, UNIVERSE! Will I have enough to talk about here outside of Babyworld? Remains to be seen. It�s a little experiment. I�m having fun with it. Link soon to come.

I�m at that point where people are all, �Wow! You�re so BIG! It�s like you grew OVERNIGHT! Whoops, let me get out of the way of your BIG ENORMOUSLY HUGE BODY!� Hahaha. You guys. Too funny. No, really.

Because I can�t wait to see how much of a reaction I can get NEXT WEEK, I made a batch of chocolate-butterscotch chip cookies (i.e. Like an Orgasm for Your Mouth Cookies). And, yes, I ate raw cookie dough. Yeah, yeah, I am fully aware of the whole �salmonella poisoning� thing, but I figure, hey, life is rough. The kid�s gotta learn sometime, so why not start in-utero.

Complaint of the week: my hips really, really ache at night. The realization that this is because my BONES are SHIFTING to prepare for the passing of a seven or (God forbid) eight-pound baby through my VAGINA, is kind of freaking me out.

Speaking of complaining, J is lucky that he survived the joy that is his pregnant wife this weekend when I got up too fast and my hip popped slightly out of joint, causing me to cry out with a perhaps-over-exaggerated-but-who�s-to-say �OW!� When he didn�t even look up from his Fantasy Basketball stats, I was like, �Hey! My WATER could have just broken! I could be going into LABOR here! HELLO!� His response? �I guess I just hear that so often now I kind of tune it out.�

Oh, HELL no.

It was like I was living in one of those commercials where the woman asks if a dress makes her look fat and the guy says �You bet!� without even looking up. Didn�t he have ANY idea what he was getting himself into?

Insert standard �Do you have ANY IDEA what it�s like to be 8 months pregnant!? In case you haven't noticed, this bowling ball that I�m carrying in my abdomen is YOUR CHILD! EXCUSE ME if all I�m looking for is a little SYMPATHY here!� rant with some good old-fashioned �silent treatment� thrown in for good measure.

Moving on.

(Manic-depression also involves a lot of ALL CAPS usage, apparently. And also snark.)

We watched two movies this weekend: Wimbledon and Hero. We wanted Friday Night Lights, but it was GONE by the time we got to the freaking store. Gah. I SO need Netflix. I won�t name the store, but let�s just say it begins with a �Block� and ends in a �buster.� Yeah, nice try with the �no more late fees� thing. Until you read the FINE PRINT.

ANYWAY, Wimbledon was good enough that I only had to break out with the Kirsten Dunst-hate two or three times. (For the LOVE, girl, aren�t they paying you enough to STAND UP STRAIGHT!! I�m reaching for the calcium supplements just WATCHING you! HATE!) And I completely understand the mystery that was the Jen-Connolly-attraction after seeing Paul Bettany in this movie. He was HOT.

Hero was spectacular eye-candy. So pretty. But strange, not surprisingly. I, of course, bawled like a baby at the end, while J just sat there repeating, �I don�t get it. That�s really the END? What was that chick�s PROBLEM?� We are such a cute couple.

So that�s about it.

Only SIX more Mondays to go. Sweet.

before ~ after

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