
Do you want the BEST Cold Stone Creamery recipe of all time? Here it is: � chocolate, � cake batter, caramel and oreos. MMMMM. It is like multiple orgasms just after losing 10 pounds AND winning the lottery. It is THAT good, people.


So drama on the family front.

My mom is for sure going ahead with divorce #5. And it looks like it�s gonna get ugly. Sigh.

I can�t tell you how much I hate to see her suffering because of the same mistakes over and over again. At least this time she was mature about it and didn�t cause a fuss in the beginning. She just calmly told him that it was a mistake and that she doesn�t have the same feelings for him as he does and that she wanted out. She didn�t want anything, just to leave and get on with her life. But he got his ego bruised and got mad and then he got a lawyer. A mean one. So now my mom has people calling trying to illegally get copies of her private phone records so her soon-to-be ex can prove that she has been having a torrid affair the entire time they were married. Which kind of ticked her off due to the fact that SHE HASN�T and he knows it.

News Flash: You don�t want to get on my mom�s hit list. Trust me. You just don�t.

So now all hell is breaking loose. She�s got a lawyer too and the dirt is going to start flying. You�d better duck.

I cannot wait for the day when I can just not be in a state of constant worry about my mother. I can�t really imagine what that would be like, though. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it won�t be any time soon.

But, hey, she loves me--and at least she makes life interesting, right?


I got roped in last night to one of those neighborhood �scrapbooking parties� (like a Tupperware party but with, you guessed it, scrapbook stuff).

Anyway, I ended up walking out of there with $60 worth of stuff that is just going to join the rest of the bags of scrapbooking stuff that I have at home at the top of my closet where I pull it out every now and then to get to something else and feel guilty about not even starting on the Wedding/Honeymoon albums that I was going to have done by now. Not to mention the awesome Baby Album that I will soon buy and throw up there to get to around the time the little peanut is cutting his/her first tooth.

But--an Automatic Corner-Rounder! And a Multi-Shape Photo Matting System! Do you see why I was helpless to resist?!

The thing is, there is a small part of me that really wants to be that incredibly crafty-type person, but�I�m not. The problem is that I am the �deluded crafty� type. I see an episode of Martha Stewart and then next thing you know I�m going to single-handedly construct a greenhouse out of recycled glass and a soldering gun. I love crafty STUFF. I could spend hours in any given Micheal�s store. Because, you know, someday I am going to hand-decorate all my own cakes (and even do some weddings on the side), AND put together one of those cool doll-houses that look totally real even down to the working lights. And mine will have running water. And a tiiiny little topiary garden.

Oh, yes. I will have the Most. Awesome. Baby. Album. Ever. And I have $60 worth of crap to prove it.


I�m over the paranoia of the last entry. Still pregnant, still feeling gross. Hormones must be making me crazy. And I know they are because the other day on my way home from work the song �Cat�s In the Cradle� came on and I seriously started to TEAR UP by the end of the song. Because it�s so sad, you know, because the dad and the son never got to know each other and all that�what is WRONG with me??

And don't even get me started on Olympics' medal ceremonies.

Sheesh. Hormones.

before ~ after

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