
Whew. This has been one messed up week. First of all, I think I have an ulcer. Seriously. Okay, not seriously about the ulcer part, but my stomach has been feeling like crap. Not fun.

Second, between the D.C. trip last week and the 3-day weekend, coming back to work this week was especially discomfiting. Even though the week was shortened, I spent most of it feeling like everyday was off somehow. Like Tuesday felt distinctly like Monday, but then Wednesday kind of felt like Friday. And now that today is Friday, my sense of time perception doesn�t know what the hell to do with itself. Meh.

So we are going to see Harry Potter tonight. Yeah, us and every other reading-aged child within a 100-mile radius. I am vaguely excited, although not so much. I was really slow to jump on the Potter train. First of all (there I go again with the firsts of all), I am supposedly a �grown woman� which places me in an age group traditionally not found reading books involving prepubescent wizardry. Second of all, I am inherently adverse (and very adjectively inclined today, apparently) to all things condoned by the masses. I never owned a Cabbage Patch doll; I stop liking most bands as soon as they go �mainstream�--I don�t like being compared to any animal that produces itchy sweaters and goes �baa.� But, let�s face it, the books? Are good. I mean, really. They are. You just can�t escape that fact. Sometimes the public actually has it right. Well, in this case, 12-year olds got it right. Just call me Dolly.

The movies? Eh, not so much so far. But supposedly this one is different so I�ll chance it.

The rest of the weekend will be busy. I hate busy. We have multiple activities involving multiple people. And while people in general aren�t a bad thing, I am still feeling the repercussions of jet lag and really just need to sleep a whole lot.

But on the non-bitching side, it IS after all, Friday, and I have cute new sandals to wear when we go out tonight.

The end.

before ~ after

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